As you are now aware, public gatherings of more than 6 are forbidden.  Surfers Against Sewage have now issued their own guidelines to all campaigns and they are straight forward but they do mean beach cleans will be altered, ideally if you can attend in a group of 6 or less with those you know;
1. I would ask that you email to let me know you are attending by the proceeding Saturday evening (
2. I will assess numbers and email back with a staggered start time e.g. 10am 10.15am 10.30am
3. I will no longer be providing gloves or bags, please bring your own.  Litter pickers will be available.  Gloves to be worn at all times.
4.I will provide blue trugs to fill with water and drop a Milton tab in for people to drop their pickers to sterilise so not touching any equipment . 
5. Hand gel to be applied before and after the cleans
6. Face masks to be worn if feel the need or if near anyone else on beach 
The beach cleans will last until 11.30am when we will pack up and clean pickers.
This may not work for all, and we totally understand if you do not feel you can come along.  
We will be taking part in the SAS Brand Audit so that we can lobby companies to look into other materials to make their products with, not fossil fuels!

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